Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from a BBC news report.
Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly.
addiction / junkies / to be hooked on (something) /
to hedge your bets / brainwaves
1. On my last visit to the city, Kandaharis spoke of their constant fear of attack, by either Taliban or US led forces. They ____________________, backing both sides until it was clear who would prevail.
2.Scientists believe they are a step closer to being able to read people's minds after decoding human _________________ .
3.The death of Amy Winehouse has once again highlighted the danger of drink and drug _______________ .
4.There were claims that the damage had been caused by a hard-core of violent protest ________________ who had deliberately come for trouble.
5.He became _________________ the tournament after watching Bjorn Borg play in 1977, and has returned every year since, seeing all the greats of the game.